Ä [8] TALK.POLITICS.DRUGS (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ TALK.POLITICS.DRUGS Ä Msg : #5969 [261] From : V I V A L D I 1:2613/335 Fri 06 May 94 03:30 To : (crosspost 1) All Subj : FAQs and other net DRUG INFORMATION RESOURCES (bi-weekly post) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ From: vivaldi@abc.ksu.ksu.edu (V I V A L D I) Organization: Kansas State University INTERNET ACCESSIBLE DRUG-RELATED RESOURCES (Ver 1.0c 05/03/94) This is a list of drug related information resources that are available on the internet. The focus is mainly on recreational drugs (both legal and illegal), but some sites carry information about prescription and medicinal drugs as well. Any corrections/additions should be sent to vivaldi@ksu.ksu.edu. There is also a hypertext version of this document that you can use with a WWW browser like Mosaic, Cello, or Lynx. It should be posted at the same time as this document under the subject DRUG.RESOURCES.HTML. This document can also be found under the WWW Sites list below. --Table of Contents-- + WWW Sites + Gopher Sites + FTP Sites + Telnet Sites + Newsgroups + Mailing lists + Other Resources --WWW Sites-- stein1.u.washington.edu Use the URL: http://stein1.u.washington.edu:2012/pharm/pharm.html to access Lamont Granquist's WWW drug information page. This site has tons of stuff and contains hypertext links to almost every resource in this list. www.pitt.edu Use the URL: http://www.pitt.edu/~mbtst3/druginfo.html to access the hypertext version of this document. www.acpub.duke.edu Use the URL: http://www.acpub.duke.edu/~eja to access Eric Akawie's page which has pictures of LSD blotter. www.resort.com Use the URL: http://www/resort.com/~banshee/Info/N2O/N2O.html to see John Vinopal's hypertext document about Nitrous Oxide. --Gopher Sites-- hemp.uwec.edu The hemp.uwec.edu gopher server maintains all the FAQs for the drug related newsgroups and a large collection of other drug- related files. The emphasis is on drug politics, but they also maintain a bunch of drug-related picture files. To access the drug page follow the link: 4.drug. wiretap.spies.com The wiretap gopher has an interesting collection of drug related files including Albert Hoffman's book __LSD My problem child__ and other information about natural legal and illegal drugs. To access the drug page follow the links: 12.Library --> 7.Fringe --> 4. Pharmacol... techno.stanford.edu This is Brian Behlendorf's Techno/Rave archive. It contains all sorts of information about the underground rave scene, including the various drugs (and their chemistry) that are associated with it. To access their home page follow the link: 1.Brian's Techno/Rave archive. marvel.loc.gov This site maintains the Justice Department information, including the Bureau of Justice Statistics documents about drugs, crime, prisons, and enforcement. To access their page follow the links: 9.Gov't Info. --> 1. Federal Inf. --> 1.Info. by Agency --> 2.Executive Branch --> 17. Justice Department --> 3.Bureau of Justice Statistics Docs... gopher.counterpoint.com This gopher contains docs from the U.S. Federal Register. This includes announcements by the DEA as well as the scheduling of controlled substances. To get to their their page follow the link: 2. U.S. Federal Register. From there you can select the Federal Register in Yearly Quarters. Choose the quarter you are interested in (e.g. 94Q1) and do an Agency Search by Keyword for the words "drug and enforcement". (There are other ways to find information, this is only a suggested method) atlas.chem.utah.edu This site maintains a database of _Material Safety Data Sheets_ Follow the link: 8.Material Safety Data Sheets and then the list is in alphabetical order. Just pick the link that starts with the same first letter as the material you are looking for. ?? gaia.ucs.orst.edu This site maintains a database of _Material Safety Data Sheets_ I couldn't find the information from their root gopher server but the hypertext version of this document can find the service. --FTP Sites-- ftp.hmc.edu dir: pub/drugs This site maintains all the FAQs for the drug-related newsgroups and lots of other well organized information. teetot.acusd.edu dir: pub/Beelzebub/Politics/Prohibition Tons of files about prohibitions focusing mainly on the prohibition of (some) drugs. ursa-major.spdcc.com dir: pub/pihkal Contains all of part 2 of Alexander T. Shulgin's book _Phenethlamines i Have Known And Loved. flubber.cs.umd.edu dir: other/tms/drugs/politics Various articles and essays about the War on (some) Drugs. ftp.cs.pdx.edu dir: pub/politics/drugs Assorted prohibition and other drug-related files. ftp.pyramid.com dir: pub/leri Assorted documents about psychedelic drugs, leri, and the leri-l mailing list. E-mail leri-request@pyramid.com to be placed on the mailing list, which discusses metaprogramming and Timothy Learyesque stuff. techno.stanford.edu dir: pub/raves Assorted documents about the rave scene and the chemicals that are often associated with it. Check out the chemistry directory. This mirrors the information on the gopher server. hemp.uwec.edu dir: pub/drugs This site maintains all the FAQs for the drug-related newsgroups and lots of other well organized information. The focus is on drug politics, but they also maintain a directory of drug- related pictures (pub/drugs/GIF). This site mirrors the information on their gopher server. wiretap.spies.com dir: Library/Fringe/Pharm This site has an interesting collection of drug related files including Albert Hoffman's book _LSD My problem child_ and other information about natural legal and illegal drugs. This mirrors the information on the gopher server. nic.funet.fi dir: pub/sci/neural/alt.drugs Contains FAQs, GIFs, and other miscellaneous files including some information in a Finnish language directory. asylum.sf.ca.us dir: pub/mind-l This is the archive site for the mind-l mailing list. This is a mailing list devoted to mind altering techniques with a focus specifically on machines (light,sound,biofeedback) Related topics include discussions of various smart nutrients or nootropic drugs. --Telnet Sites-- hemp.uwec.edu This is a telnet gateway to the hemp.uwec.gopher server. You need to login as gopher in order to use it and follow the instructions given in the gopher section above. vtcbx.cc.vt.edu This is the On Earth as it is in Hell BBS. After you telnet you need to type in "c 22592" (without the quote marks) to call the proper location --Newsgroups-- alt.drugs This newsgroup is meant for the general discussion of drugs and the use of drugs. talk.politics.drugs This newsgroup is meant for the discussion of the politics of drugs. The laws and policies of various countries are discussed. alt.hemp The politics and uses of hemp (Cannabis) are discussed here. The focus is on the industrial uses of hemp for _food, fuel and fiber_. alt.psychoactives The discussion is about psychoactive drugs, generally it is more technical in nature than the other groups. alt.rave The discussion of the underground rave culture and the various drugs that are often associated with it. sci.med Medical discussions. This group is in the sci.* hierarchy so the discussions tend to be more technical than in other groups. alt.consciousness Discussion of the various forms of consciousness and the processes used to obtain them. alt.caffeine The discussion of America's most used stimulant drug. alt.coffee The discussion of coffee (both w/ and w/o caffeine) alt.smokers A discussion group for the smokers of cigarettes, one of the most popular nicotine distribution systems around. alt.beer Discussion about beer, which contains the drug alcohol. rec.food.drink.beer Discussion about beer, which contains the drug alcohol. --Mailing Lists-- drugabus The drugabus mailing list is a forum for issues related to community drug abuse education and the epidemiology and study of drug abuse. It is run by the Office of Substance Abuse Studies at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. VM BitNet users can subscribe with the command: TELL LISTSERV AT UMAB SUBSCRIBE DRUGABUS Other BitNet and Internet users can subscribe by sending mail to one of the following: listserv@umab.bitnet listserv@umab.umd.edu listserv%umab.bitnet@vm1.nodak.edu with no subject line and only the words: subscribe drugabus in the body of the mail. The coordinator of the mailing list is Treat Tschirgi or leri-l This is a discussion group focusing on meta-programming and other Timothy Learyesque stuff. To subscribe send e-mail to leri-l-request@pyramid.com . They also maintain an archive FTP site that is listed above. mind-l Mind-L is a discussion group for people interested in mind altering techniques in general, and mind machines (light & sound, TENS/CES, electromagnetic pulse, floatation) & bio- feedback equipment in particular. Related topics include smart nutrients, hypnosis, relaxation techniques and subliminal tapes/videos. Conversation ranges from serious research to electronics to amateur personal observations. To subscribe send e-mail to with nothing in the subject line and only the words: subscribe mind-l in the body of the mail. They also maintain an FTP archive site which is listed above. --Other Resources-- E-mail Send e-mail to verdant@twain.ucs.umass.edu. To find out more information about their server you need to put the pattern {{{readme}}} in the subject line of the message. You will be mailed instructions if you do. Mail is ignored if you do not follow the instructions given. IRC Internet Relay Chat You must have access to an IRC client to use this. After you get into IRC you need to run the command "/msg Lissaabot help" (without the quote marks). The bot should respond with instructions to use it. The bot lives on channel #dmz (and occasionally a few others), but it is not necessary to be on that channel to use it. High Times Magazine You can send e-mail to High Times magazine -- a magazine devoted to providing reliable information about "soft" drugs -- by using the address hightimes@igc.apc.org -- "There will never be a really free and enlightened state until |||||||||||| the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and |||||||||||||||||| independent power, from which all its own power & authority ||V I V A L D I || are derived and treats them accordingly." -- H.D. Thoreau |vivaldi@ksu.ksu.edu --- * Origin: COBRUS - Usenet-to-Fidonet Distribution System (1:2613/335.0)